i have:
a thread that's updated weekly by a moderator and is visible to everyone including guests. sorted newest to oldest.
i want:
a page that's stripped off all the forum layout and extras, all i want is the page header with navbar, page footer, body background, and text from that thread: bold title, post text, separator img, next bold title, next post text, separator img, etc. no borders, no usernames, no postcounts, joindates, signatures, avatars, reputation, postdates, etc. nothing.
im assuming i need to either modify style for the subforum the thread is in, to hide all these things from postbit - or i need to pull the text into an external page, and style it however i want - i'd rather do that tbh, but it can't be on javascript, so unsure if it's possible at all.
how do i do it? or are there better options?
thank you very much!