Ironically, I just spent last week setting up hundreds of images on the old version of NoSpam, where you had to put in the HTML code to the image in manually with each question. Wish I had seen this just a few days ago.
<Glances as profile> Good lord man, did you single handedly update every mod on the site? (!!)
There was something I was trying with the old mod, but ran into an issue with the way answers had to be separated (with a ":"). I wanted to use short video clips, and gathered dozens of stock video footage, no more than a few seconds each. I was planning on using YouTube, but ran into the colon problem, since full URLs use a colon in the http://. I can still host them once I convert them to smaller embeddable files. But do you think it would be possible to embed video clips with this new one, as well? I'm going to try and install it this weekend to see, but just thought I'd check in advance. I wanted to try and use the JW Player, provided I can get around the ":" in the embed code.