Y2 I am interested in getting the banners to refresh every x amount of seconds and have looked at your post
I use vbSEO on my website.
I have two test banners at position 0 that are located in a subdirectory /banner_ads
I used adminCP > advertising > manage ads > rbs0 below navbar and have it to show below the navbar with the following code <div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:0@--></div>
The banners show up fine and will change when I click different pages.
I attempted to use your rbs_iframe.php and uploaded it to the root directory where the other rbs files are. I am not sure where to put the html code
<iframe src="rbs_iframe.php" align="center" frameborder="0" height="60" width="468" scrolling="no"></iframe>
to make it work.
I tried putting that code in place of <div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:0@--></div>
for the rbs0 below navbar in manage ads but couldn't get the ads to swap.
I could see the page refreshing as it should but it only displayed one ad instead of swapping, it also showed this right below the ad, SEO by vbSEO 3.6.0
Where should I put the html code? Will it work putting it into the ad management system or does it have to be placed in the template itself? Also should I edit the php file since I am using vbSEO to read <div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:0@--></div>