if someone posted this already or if I miss the theme then sorry (I don't really speak english

- Allow posts like "I search a hack xxx. I like to pay for it, please contact me via PM"
- Disallow posts like "look, I sell a hack"
- Allow users to post full tested hacks with no or bad support. The user must write that there will be no support. There are users that wants to share hacks but don't speak english.
- Not for "BETA Hacks": disallow users to post a full release without an example (image or homepage), so that you can see that it works.
- Not for "BETA Hacks": Disallow new threads in "Full realease". Create a new forum "Hack Feedback" and disallow new threads. Let the user post new hacks directly in the hack database. This generates 2 threads: one support thread and one feedback thread for posts like "let me kiss your hand", "look to the image of my board" and so on. (I know that this requires a big hack for this board, but IMHO that makes the board more clearly).
Ok, now I am 30 minutes older and I don't know if somone understands. I do the last suggestion in german.
Macht ein neues Forum "Hack Feedback" auf. Verbietet hierin und im Forum "Full Releases" das Erstellen neuer Threads. Stattdessen posten die Benutzer ihre Hacks direkt in der Datenbank. Darauf hin werden automatisch 2 Threads generiert: Ein Supportthread in "Full Releases" und einer in "Hack Feedback". Letzterer f?r die Dankesschreiben.
Das erfordert zwar einen gr??eren Hack in diesem Board, aber ich sch?tze dies w?rde alles viel ?bersichtlicher machen.