Originally Posted by dwx
Any chance you could add an option for closing the thread after X days of inactivity?
Having an fixed number of days doesn't really solve our thread bumping problem, since it could close off active threads that are in use...
Originally Posted by RedTurtle
Would love this feature as well.
Originally Posted by irishblacknight
There was a mod that did this, but I'm having issues finding it at the moment
Sorry about the delay in responding, I did not get ant notification about new posts being made. The mod already does that, it auto closes the thread after X days of the last post, not the first post. Looking at the way I wrote the description I see it is confusing and will re word that shortly.
Originally Posted by DefiantComplex
Hey if you could add a sorta "bump down" feature to this i may consider buying it.
For example if a thread has so many - likes it closes.
I assume you mean likes as in from the Advanced Post Thanks / Like mod we have?