This all happened after a server migration? Are both servers running the same version of PHP and MySQL? And was the database collation/charset the same on both?
Apache version: 2.2.14
PHP version: 5.2.12
MySQL version: 5.0.96-community
Server charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
Apache version: 2.2.23
PHP version: 5.2.17
MySQL version: 5.5.23
MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
Did you try reuploading all new default vbulletin files? Did you try disabling all your modifications?
Yes and yes.
Is there anything in your error_logs (if you don't know where they are, ask your host)?
Error logs didn't give me anything of great value, but we did find that when the lag occurs (do to processes building), it hangs on function.flock.
--------------- Added [DATE]1358522560[/DATE] at [TIME]1358522560[/TIME] ---------------
The No Packages error has now been fixed. However, when including global.php, processes still continue to build and eventually hang resulting in an Internal Server Error.