Originally Posted by GarethBurrows
I have just installed RBS and whilst I can set up banners, view them and link to the external site, I have a couple of issues which may be down to my lack of understanding of the configuration (Page screenshots are here ( clip1, clip2, clip3):
1. The clicks counter does not seem to be working. Impressions appears to count correctly but clicks remain zero even though I have been clicking the ad to get to the link.
This is the code in the Text box "<a href="http://www.divingincidents.com" target="_blank"> <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2216291/TDF_Test_Images/disms-logo-60px-high_image2_number.png"></a>"
I would like to know how the mod chooses which ad to show as I have 3 ads in the test environment I have set up and they don't appear to cycle through, but appear to be random)
2. When I click on the Banner Stats link at the top of the banner config file, I get the following displayed
which isn't a good thing!
VBSEO is not installed in the test environment. Does it need to be?
Any help would be appreciated as I hope to have the system live at the end of the month for advertisers.
Many thanks
1.a. The click counter does work only with images, or specifically crafted scripts. How click tracking works, you may see best by setting up an image banner and view your HTML source code.
1.b. Banners
are shown randomly, but if you have more than one banner for the same location, and more than one of the same location on a single page, the algorithm will never show two of the same banners on that page.
2.a. Please make sure you have your .htaccess file setup correctly, too. This message clearly shows you are attempting to route a script through vbseo.php instead of allowing direct calls. On the other hand, you may route this script through vbseo, but must then enable vbseo. It is not true you haven't vbseo installed; you have and it is disabled or not perfectly uninstalled
2.b. If you use vbseo, make sure you read the manual about vbseo, too