Originally Posted by Gamelobby
Works great for you & that is great.. for you.! lol
Don't think that just because it works for you that everything you use is going to work for everyone else.. we all have different boards, with different styles, etc. so thanks for the help, but its not really helpful.
Also, I have dbl checked because sh*t happens & no one is perfect, but even after i double checked yup it is installed in the forum root, & there is NOTHING on my navbar (or a navtab), or in my options or anywhere else.. EXCEPT that picall.php & albumall.php do work, so i just made my own tabs, & links.
Well mate what can I say, you've been a member of this site since 07 and you can plainly see this mod has not been updated in 2 years. Sometimes the best of mods do not work straight out of the box and you have to tweak to your site to make them work. But all said and done the mod does what it says it does and even on the last release of 4.2PL3