Originally Posted by ForceHSS
Had a feeling this was something custom. You would be best to post in the plugin for this mod maybe someone will help you there. In the mean time I will have a look around to see what I can find but might not be able to get it in the same style. Have you tried asking on DragonByte site see if they can help
No I havent asked... I was gonna attempt myself to try to master PhotoSHop to make the image but My brain is fried from the past 3 month crash course I have taken in all this vbulletin stuff

It seems so simple..just one little 80px by 30 px gif (or even a png would work) image to make but Im afraid if I cant find one then I am gonna have to wait until things settle down and I can figure photoshop out . Im wanting it to be red in the background with black writing that says "Smart-ass" and maybe sometype of smilie animation on it.. Sounds simple enough doesnt it ? Hahahaha Thanks for your help!