Originally Posted by voglermc
guys, this is a server issue. see if you host can set your server time correctly and you'll have a fix
I'm not an expert on this stuff but I think I have a pretty good grasp on things (and I could also be totally wrong). We manage our own server, which is located in MST and our site is on CST, therefore the server clock is one hour behind our site clock, i.e., when it's 2:00 here it's 1:00 there. Our site and the server both show the correct respective times, I just checked it.
Should the server clock and the site clock both be the same? I did change it once and it threw the site times off and posting permissions (you have to wait xxxx seconds before you may make another post), so I changed it back real quick and haven't touched it since because everything was working properly.
But it seems that if the mod is pulling the server time, then it would make the post one hour late instead of one hour early, i.e., when the server clock hits midnight it's already 1:00 AM here. Instead, it's posting it an hour early.
Or am I totally missing something?