Originally Posted by licensinglinks
I have recently installed Google AdSense. I notice that the impressions displayed in my AdSense account are significantly less (10 TIMES LESS!!!!) than the impressions the RBS is reporting.
In short, AdSense tells me I've only served a total of 128,000 ad impressions, but RBS tells me that I've delivered way over ONE MILLION ad impressions in total.
What's going on here, and how do I fix it??? Is RBS counting bots or something?
There is no need to fix it. The Google AdSense counts are at most approximate, and will not consider some devices. Please make sure you understand what Google AdSense does and what not. It does not do quite a lot
RBS counts also half viewed pages where people are in too much hurry to wait and counts also all visits from spiders which eventually show banners. Google does exclude its own visits. So if your site is visited from more spiders than real visitors, the counts may seem exaggerated, but in fact, they are precise as a swiss clock.