I still can't recreate this bug on my unhacked local board.
Looking at the code this shouldn't happen:
if ($verifyemail and $email!=$bbuserinfo['email'] and $bbuserinfo['usergroupid']==2 or $bbuserinfo['usergroupid']==3) {
[high] // delete old activation id
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM useractivation WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND type=0");[/high]
// make random number
mt_srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
//save to DB
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO useractivation VALUES (NULL,'$bbuserinfo[userid]','".time()."','$activateid',0)");
eval("\$message = \"".gettemplate("email_activateaccount_change",1,0)."\";");
eval("\$subject = \"".gettemplate("emailsubject_activateaccount_change",1,0)."\";");
mail ($email,$subject,$message,"From: \"$bbtitle Mailer\" <$webmasteremail>");
$bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] = 3;
} else {
See, it deletes the activation ID whenever you change your email address.