Originally Posted by deltahawk5
Not a fan of having to pay $60 to disable the thanks system that comes with the mod, it's completely screwing up site functionally by overlapping the one we've had for a year now.
Guess we'll never have a chance to actually try the mod, regardless of how excited our users would have been...as we were planning to purchase the mod once we got it to function as we would have liked.
so with the lite version you cant disable the thanks part of it now that is crap as i too use another mod for that i use DragonByte Tech: Advanced Post Thanks / Like (Lite and want to keep it,it does seem expensive and you`ve still got to have there copywrite and link in the footer unless you buy lifetime option at a shocking $299 witch is more than the vbulletin software itself but i may test again when i`ve heard more feedback on the 7.1