Ya know, I voted for Yes, but after reading this thread completely, I want to change my vote to NO.
Here's my reasoning:
a) it is going to take a lot of ork to decide what is the same hack, and hat is a variation on the hack.
b) What I think is really needed is a different kind of moderation: strong leadership. Hold people to a higher standard. Insist that the hack be original, that it be bug checked, etc before it is posted. Delete the threads (or lock the threads) that don't comply. Be hard-asses.
I rarely visit the hack board because it is hard to find hat you are looking for. And often a hack gets released and then 35 pages later all the bugs are worked out. By then, the hacker doesn't ever want to see that thread again, and I (or someone else) needs help with the hack... frustrating.
Anyway, I say: be hard-asses and enforce a higher standard of ediquitte in that forum. (sp?)