Originally Posted by LancerForHireLLC
I was actually writing this for my site just yesterday. I'm still hashing out some of the functionality but as of now it can collect a name, email, send it to aweber (I'm going to make it service-agnostic so I can pop in different providers), register a vB user based off the name field, and display a custom thank you message (all of these are different per list) -- all from a very compact and effective squeeze page. Maybe when it's done, I'll let it out into the open. 
Hey Lancer,
I'm a huge fan of your superb Spammers Suck plugin, which has made life much easier for my moderators and myself.
I'm very interested in integrating Awber into the vBulletin registration process. Have you made any progress with this? I believe that such a mod would generate tremendous interest.