Originally Posted by WorldCraft
How do you know which option goes to which bit position value?
The actual values are defined in the file includes/xml/bitfield_vbulletin.xml . The bits used in the user table options field are in a group named "useroptions". But you'd really have to look at the code to figure out which value does what (well, for some you might be able to guess).
Another way you can find out some of the values is to go (in the admicp) to Maintenance > Execute SQL Query, and look at the Automatic Query list. There are automatic queries to set all users to receive admin emails or not, so if you select one of those queries you can see how it's changing the database. If you choose "Yes - Receive Admin Emails" and press continue, you'll see this:
UPDATE user SET options = options + 16 WHERE NOT (options & 16)
and you can tell from that that the value you want for that option is 16. (BTW, you can choose a query from the Automatic Query menu and press Continue, and it will show you the query but not execute it unless you press Continue again).