I'm trying to change my sidebar to show time by "threadstarter."
I'm having no luck. I've already removed avatars by setting their size to zero, and have the time displayed. I just need a phrase or phrases that will call the latest poster of each post displayed. Any tips?
For my blog sidebar I've edit this, and it shows "time by blog author" below the blog title.
<div class="meta">
{vb:raw entry.date}<vb:if condition="!$show['detailedtime']">, <span class="time">{vb:raw entry.time}</span></vb:if>
{vb:stylevar dirmark}by <a href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw entry}, null, 'postedby_userid', 'postedby_username'}">{vb:raw entry.postedby_username}</a>
Looking to edit similar to latest posts in sidebar.
- Also: How can I prevent the same thread from being listed multiple times in the sidebar? I only want each recent thread title displayed once. I have a few super active threads that dominate the recent threads list.