I have a slight problem with this hack.... for awhile it wouldn't let people register, but I was able to fix that. the problem now is when people register, it takes them to the redirect page telling them click here to go back to where you were, thank you for registering.. blah blah blah, thing is tho, when they click it goes back to the main page and while it shows them as online in the online box at the bottom, the mainpage is that as if they are unregistered. I have a welcome panel/vbstats thing at the top of the main page that only registered members can view, and for some reason the new members can't see this. While showing there name as being online, it still has the log in box at the bottom and the log out link isn't there, meaning they aren't logged in...
Another weird point on this is that when they are taken to the redirect page after registering, if they click on the image at the top to return to the main page, it shows up like they are an actual member, but not if they click on the link that says, click here to return to where you where....
Also the redirect page that they are taken to after registering is the error_registeremail template instead of the normal page.
With the star hack uninstalled, I don't have this problem. Any pointers?