These are the #'s over a 2 year period when we moved hosts.
Spam-O-Matic Statistics
18481 Spammers Denied Registration
204 Spammy Posts Automatically Moderated
Also have installed Spammers suck and have the emails turned off so no telling how many are blocked by that super simple super awesome script
We have email verification off (which is why the # denied by spam-o is high) and Q and A verification on registration.
We also have restricted the registered user group from posting pics, links, having avatars, having profile pics, and having signatures.
No visitor messaging allowed for anyone.
My team has to deal with maybe 3 human spammers a month.
Forgot to mention we also have a plug-in that limits the amount of periods you can have in an email for registering (that's stopped 2 legit members in the 4 months or so we've been using it).
Also forgot to mention that I have the following email address blocked in the ACP .info .tv .ru