I've tried your code, but i had to edit it a little bit..
Thank you so much for your help, now i also understand how the vbulletin system is working!
It you want to know what i'm using now:
PHP Code:
global $vbulletin;
if (!$post['userid']) {
// This is for the deleted (guest) users on the forum, they don't have a userid, so i made them one :D
$usersid = 1292;
else {
$usersid = $post['userid'];
if ($vehicle = $vbulletin->db->query_first_slave("SELECT year, make, model, color, packages FROM DTO_garage_vehicle WHERE userid = " . $usersid))
$post['year'] = $vehicle['year'];
$post['make'] = $vehicle['make'];
$post['model'] = $vehicle['model'];
$post['color'] = $vehicle['color'];
$post['packages'] = $vehicle['packages'];
else {
// I also wanted to show people if a member has no garage :)
$nogarage = TRUE;