You can do this by installing a BBcode permission plugin, and by using vB's Promotions feature.
1. Create a new Usergroup based off of Registered Users and name it so that you will recognize that it allows posting images and links and save
2. Install this
3. With the product you installed, disable link and IMG bbcodes for Registered Users
4. If you use vB's Blog system, set the following permissions for Registered Users:
- Blog Entry Permissions -> Can Upload Attachments = NO, Allow IMG code = NO, Allow Video code = NO
- Blog Comment Permissions -> Allow IMG code = NO, Allow Video code = NO
5. Under "Attachment Permissions" Set "Can Upload Attachments" to NO
6. Save
7. In the AdminCP, go to Usergroups -> Promotions
8. Add new promotion
9. For Usergroup dropmenu choose Registered Users, change the Posts textfield to the # of posts you want the member to have before they are given the permissions. For Promotion Type, choose Additional Usergroup. For Move User To Group, choose the new usergroup you created and save.
Every hour vB will do a promotions check. All of your users will temporarily have lost access to links and images until they are automatically added to the new usergroup by the system. To manually force the update go to Scheduled Task Manager and run the User Promotions cron.
Hope this helps