Originally Posted by xeagle
Sure. What you are looking is already ready and working out of the box. You just need to install plugins for vBulletin and WordPress and connect WordPress from vBulletin. The options to show username and avatar are available at WordPress vBSSO Settings.
Sounds good that you have a chance to log in to WordPres from vBulletin and vice versa. The "Allowed XXX User Groups" means that all the users added to the vBulletin usersgroup are able to log in to XXX, otherwise it doesn't log them in to XXX. It's so useful if you want to restrict access to WordPress for some usergroups.
"Associated XXX User Groups" means that users registered on your forum from XXX automatically assigned to the connected usergroups.
Currently vBSSO doesn't sync roles, however we have received enough requests to support this feature and it's going to be implemented and received next year.
Thanks for this explanation - would it be possible for you to say it again without using 'XXX' - that is causing me some confusion.
It would be even better if you could provide an example using the default usergroup names for VB and WP and these fields:
Allowed User Groups
User groups having access to any platform (separated by comma)
Allowed WordPress User Groups
User groups having access to WordPress platform (separated by comma)
Associated WordPress User Groups
User groups associating visitors from WordPress platform (separated by comma)
Thanks again.