Originally Posted by sadiq6210
Now it is perfect  Thanks Kevin
Just a suggestion
It will be great if you can make two different quote background
for example
User 1 >> His quotes will appear in red background
User 2 >> His quotes will appear in blue background
Something like WHATS UP application
What do you think Kevin? 
You can do that yourself if you want. In the css file, the class kh99_quote_mine will be applied to your messages, and kh99_quote_sender will apply to the person who sent the message. There is also kh99_quote_1 - kh99_quote_5 which can be used in a similar way to set the background color for up to 5 different quoted users.
As I mentioned in the mod description, I'm more of a programmer than a design person, so my intention was to provide the variables so that people could format it the way they like. Maybe if someone comes up with a nice looking display they can share the ccs and or templates here. It would also to be nice to have the look selectable (possibly by each user), but I probably won't do that unless it seems like people want it. If anyone has any ideas along these lines, please share them.