Originally posted by FireFly
Just making sure everyone understands that the file changes need to be made to global.php. (forgot that, okidoki)
Chen, what do you mean, exactly ?
Well. I tried to modify
global.php myself in a different way, to check, if instant loadavg goes above a warning level (new setting var like $loadlimit) and the logged user has 0-posts, he gets an error_toobusyguest template.
This way I noticed an increased load values, most probably due to a frequent read of /proc/loadavg file I hadn't before, as my $loadlimit was set to 0.
Is it true ? How could I measure the trend ?
Besides, I created a croned (each minute ... '* * * * *') script on the server to get this behavior well written down:
echo `date +%Y-%m-%d%t%T ` - `cat /proc/loadavg` >> ./load.dat
but it seems having added again more load to the server.
I can't get out !!! :ermm: :ermm: :ermm:
Please, need some performance hint !