Yep i run a Q&A mate.
I do email verification.
I put all new users into a special group.
I force all new uses to post in one area only that is moderated. (non visible to members or bots)
They have no access to spam my site. None actually.
Once someone registers they loose access to my forum unless they are allowed.
It works just fine. I dont care if its difficult. I only want members who are real anyway.
I dont have visible spam on my forum. I just dont. I have in place the measures to stop that.
I simply want this mod to post in thread as other mods do like duplicate ips and what not.
Do you think that would make them feel so bad they will stop annoying us?
That is my point about sarcasm or being a smartarse.
Did i think it would stop annoying us?
Well first of all. I dont concider me and you US.
But as for me. No i dont. I simply want to post a thread about it.
Public or private. My choice. But is that too much to ask without comments like above?
i dont show my member list.
I dont promote spammers as members.
I have anyone who has not posted after X deleted as a user.
I have people that are inactive moved to different user groups.
My forum was never about ego and stats. Others are and i get that.
Mine is not.