This mod is the very best mod I have ever seen, and should have been incorporated into vB right off.
One question: occasionally I have a member tell me he has not downloaded in more than a day or two, but still gets the Daily Download limit exceeded message. I'm not sure why that is happening.
The usergroup Registered members is set up like this:
This is the maximum MB that a user can upload. Set this to -1 for there to be NO limit. -1
This is the maximum MB that a user can download in one day. Set this to -1 for there to be NO limit. -1
This is the maximum number of files that a user can download in one day. Set this to -1 for there to be NO limit. 5
Use strict daily download limits. If set to "No", a user will only receive receive a download limit reached message if BOTH the MB and file per day limit are reached. If set to "Yes", exceeding either limit will trigger the download limit reached message. Yes
Download DELAY: Leave at -1 for this group to inheret the default value! If the user is in multiple groups that have the over-ride set above -1, the HIGHEST value will be the delay setting. -1
What do you think? Should I change the Download DELAY to something like 30 ?