Originally Posted by Mellnik
Hmm so I have to pay $250 for vb3 oh wow good job vbulletin :erm:
Somehow is the same price. If I remember well vB3 owned license costed $169 plus ~$50/year for upgrades. Thus with just 2 years upgrades the total cost is again $250.
Same happen with vB4. More expensive than vB3 as it was selling for ~$200 (again not 100% sure about the price). But as there was no yearly renewal, after 3 years it also came to ~$250.
I believe that all commercial forum software has this price ($250) per major version. Just different marketing tricks to show that it cost less. eg IPB says $25 for renewal but is for 6 months. Worst of them (like in my own issue) if you have bought addons which you don't want to upgrade, you can't do it. You must pay the renewal fees for all addons.
I'm attaching the proof for what I wrote about IPB. I've the Forum, Nexus, Content, Blog and Downloads. I don't use Content and Downloads. But still I must pay the renewal fees for ALL plugins as it's a fix price.