Originally Posted by Fatal Hazard
I saw in the help section that you can. When you are typing your text in the chatbox press backspace when it is empty and there is a temporary ban option. Here look:

You have to activate commands autocomplete, this is an option.
Originally Posted by d0zer
mobile style error
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/mgc_cb_evo/classes/class_display.php on line 124
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/mgc_cb_evo/classes/class_display.php on line 148
http://www.forumdevi.com/forum.php?styleid=18 to mozilla firefox
I recommand deactivating the chatbox for the mobile style, it's not meant for it.
Use the disable in certain styles option in display options.
Originally Posted by Joemadden1989
Hi all,
Has anyone figured out to get clickable hyperlinks in the chatbox? Outs dosent seam to make the links clickable?
You have to activate the url bbcode and autoparse option in the format options in the admincp.