Fixed broken link, sorry.
To clarify, yes, I can put in a fixed link, such as my home page, into the adsense code. So far this seems to be working as far as the rejected requests are concerned. The problem is that theoretically, a fixed link will tell the crawler to adjust the ads to the content on the fixed link, rather than the content of the page where the ad is being served.
Therefore, ideally, one would not supply a fixed link into the adsense code, like the one in the code link in my first post. Instead, you'd prefer to pass them some clever code, perhaps with a vbulletin variable or php script or some other method of sending them the dynamic url of the page where the ad is being requested. This would potentially increase your earnings by placing more suitable ads if the content on a thread varied somewhat from your home page or other page where the fixed link was. Anyone know a way to do this?