esoin wrote
now that the index is a PHP file.... will it work the same way as a index.html file
Yes the browser will display the index.php file. If you have both an index.html and an index.php, I'm not sure which one will get pulled. Best to just have one index file.
esoin wrote
also... the rest of my PHP scripts don't work... any work arounds for this?
If these are scripts on your index.php page, then this is caused because the scripts are look in your forums directory now due to the code
PHP Code:
Depending on what scripts you have, you will need to modify the paths that they are using to look for other files. EG I'm using tubedog's excellent hack, but I had to modify the path it was using to look for the config.php file.
Dynamospuremo wrote
Ok, I can get the script to run, but I can't get it to recognize that I'm logged in. It just keeps giving me the same unregistered message whether I login through the forums or through the script itself. I've setup the cookies as stated previously in this thread, so I'm not sure if that is it or not. Thanks for you help, I've been looking for a hack like this for a long time!
There must be a problem with your cookie settings (or the browser cache/privacy settings).
In my admin settings the cookie domain is left blank, and the path to save cookies is left as the default /
My forums are at
www.thebookforum.com/forums not on a subdomain.
Hope that helps everyone. Let me know how things go. I may try to add some more options in the future when I've learnt a lot more about PHP and how vBulletin works. I can then update the install instructions with known workarounds etc...