Originally Posted by emath
any progress within this weekend?
I just updated the mod with a functionality that will allow you to enable the \\. Update the mod (upload the files and upgrade the xml at the admincp). In vlatex options, you'll find the new setting "Equation Wrapping". Select the third option (the gather environment).
If you want the new setting to apply retroactively to old formulas, delete the pics folder and rebuild the postcache.
Originally Posted by emath
any progress within this weekend?
btw i found some more commands that doesnt work : \right , \Large{} and many others from this page : http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/T...atting#Spacing which i used in mimetex with no problem, why does this happenning? the code should be the same isnt ?
As I said in a previous post, mimetex defines a few non-standard commands that do not exist in stock latex, so those commands will not work out of the box. There's nothing I can do about that, since I'm neither mimetex nor latex developer. This mod just offers a interface to latex.
However, you can define the most useful commands to mimic mimetex behaviour as much as possible. You can do so in the "Preamble" option in vlatex settings page (the last one). I recommend not replacing the default content in there, just append your definitions. For instance, you can get something very similar to \Large by using
The effect won't be the same, but at least old formulas won't be broken. Again, empty the pics folder and rebuild postcache to recreate old formulas after making changes.