There is no such thing as 100% spam proof -- spammers target not just vBulletin, they just successfully cracked vBulletins reCAPTCHA registration security whereas a lot of other software either didn't have it, didn't use it, or already had an alternative method implemented
You think the spammers only tried to crack reCAPTCHA? No, they seen a flaw and took it
Sorry, to burst all the vBulletin lovers out there -- most other software out of the box don't have this spam as vBulletin does. Without all the additions like mods/plugins/hooks whatever the software uses.
Sure, once you add everything, they're about the same, still -- it exists.
Boy, I sound like a hater and I have vBulletin. Just speaking truth and non bias here. You can deny it all you want, but stock vBulletin is no more secure then wordpress or phpbb or kunena forum for joomla.