Originally Posted by Paul M
I hope your not a programmer :erm:
Adding products to vB does not necessarily make it less secure.
It some cases it could make it more secure, depending on the purpose of the product. Some products have security issues, to say all of them do is pure nonsense.
On the flip side, if you think every product / addon / whatever that you can add to other systems cannot make them less secure then you are living in cloud cookoo land. 
Yes I am a programmer and you even rephrased exactly what I was saying and even more clarified it. I didn't say every product makes it less secure, if you re-read my posts, I said it depended on the product as well. Adding security products (like the spammer mods) obviously increase security and as you said, some products have security issues... did I say all of them did? I don't think so........
The problem lies with users installing 3rd party mods that aren't even official and even more so they're using nulled boards or nulled products -- Hey, that's all fine, they deserve to lose their site in that case.
My argument was the potential for more security risks with adding the applications just as Max said
EDIT: I re-read what I wrote, made it sound like I was talking about every application, but I wasn't.
That being said -- Before you harp on someone about security issues and if they are a programmer -- Go fix your guy's spam issues with stock installations... the product isn't even semi spam proof out of the box *chuckles -- all fun and games* especially since you're a "Senior vBulletin Developer* and I really hope you just stay with vBulletin in that case.....