Quote Post in PM 4.2.107 for vBulletin 4.2.0 or greater is out!
Use this version only with vBulletin 4.2.0 or greater.
For vBulletin 4.0.* or 4.1.* use version 4.0.106 which have the same functionality.
v4.2.107 - 13.12.2012
- Updated dependency from 4.2.0 to 4.2.99 (will work only with version 4.2.0 and greater)
- Updated templates "qpipm_menu", "qpipm_postbit" to fit version 4.2.0 and greater
- Added seperator to template "qpipm_postbit" (I know it must be spelled "separator", but vBulletin Team still use "seperator" in some templates)
- Replaced icon used in "qpipm_postbit" for button used in "postbit" and "postbit_legacy" templates
- Updated phpcode for hook "postbit_display_complete" to fit version 4.2.0 and greater
- Tested on version 4.2.0 Patch Level 3