Originally Posted by emath
i commented the row u asked .
the ls -l gives now (while im in the temp dir) :
total 56
-rw-r--r-- 1 emath emath 49872 Dec 12 23:23 efa4c40fe23d50f46436522f01f442b1_1355350982.tex
Now, while in the temp dir, write the following:
(Path to LaTeX) --interaction=nonstopmode efa4c40fe23d50f46436522f01f442b1_1355350982.tex
Where Path to LaTeX is the path to latex as entered in the admincp. The default is /usr/bin/latex, so if you have the default value your line would be
/usr/bin/latex --interaction=nonstopmode efa4c40fe23d50f46436522f01f442b1_1355350982.tex
This is the command the mod is issuing (Assuming that you didn't delete the file generated by the previous test; if you did, please create a new one).
See if any error happens, and see if more files are generated in the directory (i.e, check ls -l again).
If the previous command failed, try the same line but without the full path (just latex instead of /usr/bin). This should work, since we tested a different thing a while ago.