Originally Posted by skol
Styles & Templates/Serch in Templates for vsa_topstats_stats
<div id="vsa_fh_stats" class="content blockrow" style="padding:0px;background-color:{vb:stylevar editor_background.backgroundColor};">
Replace with:
<div id="vsa_fh_stats" class="content blockrow" style="padding:0px;background-color:{vb:stylevar doc_background};">
It wasn't just the one location, I had to change this in 4 or 5 locations to get it to work properly with my theme. Eventually I just changed background-color:non; in my xml file and re-uploaded because I have a lot of sub-themes to contend with.
I'm hoping the creator fixes this in the next release and does not use an editor background stylevar for this, nobody wants to see those colors, we want to see the block or body colors instead.
Otherwise, great mod!