Originally Posted by Deriggs007
Actually, most other software out there, such as free CMS's aren't that "hackable" with all kinds of skins, mods installed. vBulletin is very hard to hack out of the box, but you are right that it gets easier outside of the stock environment.
Which is the highlight of vBulletin anyways...... ultimately making it one of the lease secured out of the bunch.
Think about all the spam bots running around --- Only vBulletin (as far as I know) and stock out of the box
Most of them have such a small percentage of installations it's not worth the "hackers'" time to mess with. vBulletin is targeted because it's very popular.
But I am well aware some free open source CMS such as wordpress, Joomla, Mambo, get "hacked" all the time.
Again, native vBulletin isn't the problem, it is very secure. It's when owners/admins corrupt it with add-ons, alternative skins and plugins is where the security holes start.