Some years ago I was wondering the same. But it has a logic that there is no such award. Some reasons:
- Especially in now days there are no so much coders to participate.
- DBTech who appears to have a lot of mods here is not a coder but an alliance of coders, so most members will be confuse on voting.
- There are coders who at the same time are moderators here. Only this fact makes voting a bit risky.
- Voting based on what criteria? eg a coder has 3 addons for general use, with 100 lines of code each. He spent (eg) 10 hours coding them. At the same time maybe there is another coder with just 1 addon for specific forums (so less popular). But this addon has 10,000+ lines of code and gots months to finish. Code quality the same. So, for whom you'll vote?