Originally Posted by Lynne
It will moderate all the members who meet the criteria of the settings below on that page.
There is no other way to only moderate a certain user's posts, or a certain few specific user's posts except to put them in their own usergroup and moderate that usergroup.
All I am seeing is:
1) Spam Scanning Post Threshold
This setting controls how many of a user's posts will be scanned by the Anti-Spam Service. Once a user's post count exceeds this threshold, his or her posts will not be scanned for spam content. To always scan posts set this value to 0.
2) Anti-Spam Data Storage Length (Days)
Whenever a post is made, extra anti-spam data is stored. This allows details about false positives and false negatives to be submitted to the chosen anti-spam system to improve it.
This value controls the length of time (in days) for which this data is stored.
Are there suppose to be other settings as not sure how the above could be set to moderate posts by members ?
I am not very technical on this stuff