I have installed the module on a testing server, and I have a couple of questions:
1.) Is there an easy way to pull these stats onto a non-forum page on your site?
For instance, if your vBulletin is installed in /forums, but you also have a homepage that links to your blogs, forums, and wiki, is there some sort of API that could call into the Stats module and put the results on the homepage?
Can we look at your code and make the same AJAX calls you are making?
We can parse and style the data, if we can get it (JSON, XML whatever).
2.) Can the Most Viewed and Most Replied be set to only consider views and replies from the last X days? I don't think the Timeout setting does this--it reads as if it ignores posts older than X days entirely.
The Timeout setting also doesn't seem to be working, because we have old data on our testing server, but is still pulling stats as if they are within the last 30 days (what we set Timeout to).
Thanks for the help.