I just tried to get the mediawiki SSO working.
vbulletin version: 4.2.0 PL3
mediawiki version: 1.20.2
I followed the readme - doubble-checked everything - but it just doesn`t work.
In the forum admincp he tells after pressing save:
Unable to verify platform [http://wiki.xxx.com/api.php?action=vbsso] Please analyze log files located at `/home/johndoe/xxx.com/htdocs/vbsso/logs/` to detect the cause of the issue.
well, he touched a logfile, named: vbsso_2012-12-07.log
to make sure i`ve set permission to 777. out of the box and after 777-hammer the logfile is just empty.
so i don`t know what`s going wrong.
the apache2 logfile doesn`t help out, too.
I feel lost
Thanks for any hint in advance, Nik