I visit here everyday, read just about every single post and reply if I can help out.
I also read what I can and always learn something new here. I personally do not see anything wrong with Vbulletin.org at all.
If people knew how to use the search feature correctly they would be able to find just about every answer to their questions regardless of whether it helps them or not.
I can say that just about every single one of my questions have been answered either directly or indirectly here at vbulletin.org .
Yes it can get frustrating when asking a question and you don't get an answer, but most of the times its because there is no answer or the questions being asked are not asked correctly.
Keep it rollen' vbulletin.org !
--------------- Added [DATE]1354871259[/DATE] at [TIME]1354871259[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by Max Taxable
Just for laughs I checked how many unread posts I had pending since last visit about 24 hours ago, and it was 247. I'm on many other forums, and none of those had that many in the same time period.
Can't judge from that how active vB dot org really is, but compared to the other big boards in the same time period, it was more active than those.
Over at my forums I have between 25-40 members who are active on a daily basis and we average about 100-150 new posts every day albeit my forums are only 3 years young but the last 4 months have been pretty busy.
If people post good content and or ask good questions they get answered. It just depends on the site.
I have sometimes come here and there is only 32 new posts and sometimes there is over 200. Today it was 124 new posts since the last time I marked all posts read and that was around 8 am my time.
I think vbulletin.org is fine.