A little more info on this that I got from staring at the email I sent myself. It seems that the dates that are getting screwed up depend on the date of the last reply in a thread. If the last reply was at the end of the month then the date of the thread starting is messed up. Here is what I am getting:
If the last reply was 10-31-2001 then the original thread is change to 7-10-2003.
Last reply of 8-31-2001 changes to 7-8-2003, 7-31-01 to 7-7-03, 7-30-01 to 7-06-2003, 5-31-01 to 7-5-03, 3-31-01 to 7-03-03, etc. See the pattern?
If the day of the last reply is the 30th it changes the month of the starting thread to June. For example, last reply on 10-30-01 changes the starting date to 6-10-03.
I'm confused, are you?