Originally Posted by gsmlover4u
sir i am not said twiter is wrong site
plz see this
why show me this
i think is this cause google+ or twiter i am not sure
so i post here for better help
website has sent a certificate with diffrent website name then requested accept anyway
Thanks for your reply...
This is a very normal Message, and you get it in your PC as well, and Its not the Twitter widget that gives you this error, its because your site is having conflicts with other jquery files and ajax! But when you use the Twitter Bird then the conflict comes up!
Its simply because it does not like to work with the Twitter Birds JS file...
It has nothing to do with the Twitter Widget is not safe or a non secure site like what you said in your first message. And for a test, you cam install it on another template, and I am sure it will not give you the same error....
Regards CM
Ps, Now not many use NOKIA phone to enter a vBulletin website because its not compatible with the browser you use on your PHONE,,, So there can be many things, and try not use your phone!