Originally posted by DjSap
btw from a legal view, i know its illegal to steal images and say they are my own, but if i would edit 1 pixel of the image then would it technicly become my own work?
no. you need to own the photoshop file you made the full image, in order to prouve that is your work.. since you edited only 1 pixel and didnt created all layers, it's not your work. now, if you created the exact image with all the layers but changed only one aspect of it, you are not not ripping, but you must have the exact layers identified in the photoshop. if you have a group of lines, colors, etc in one layer, you can be acused that you ripped that part from the original artist.
i always save the .psd files to prove i'm the owner of the file. usually a little logo that i make can contain up 50layers. that's the trick to easy corect everything in photoshop. more layers, better-faster file. at least that is what i think. let me know your oppinion.