First, I find on my own forums weekends are the slower days. My traffic is highest on Tuesdays through Thursdays and lowest on Sunday... So I am not sure Saturday is the high traffic day here, either.
As for people expecting to see new mods for 3.x, I hate to break it to you but you are on a sinking ship. (I too have a 3.8 forum mind you) but 3.x is very old. Only 3.8.7 even works on PHP 5.3 and it's only a matter of time before PHP 5.4 becomes the standard effectively ending the use of VB 3.x on shared hosting which is the vast majority of sites.
I LOVE my VB 3.8 forum, I do but this is not new nor unexpected. Even a year ago as I was releasing identical mods for VB 3.8 and 4.x at the same time as a coder I would see my 3.x mods get 1 or 2 downloads in the same time period the same mod for 4.x easily had 10 or more downloads. Looking at my own profile my 4.x mods have 3 to 4 times as many installs as the same 3.x mod, and those are ones released a year+ ago. The issue is even more dramatic for those more recent mods.
If I didn't have a 3,x forum of my own I personally wouldn't even bother making 3.x versions anymore- they only complicate upgrades and support. Even for one I am currently working on I strongly considered skipping the 3.x version.
3.x was great software, but the truth is 4.2.0 does everything 3.x did and more. You know in 3.x for every single "pip" of reputation on an entire page there is a separate template being called? In 4.2.0 it's all done in 1 existing template per post.
I see a lot of activity picking up on VB5 on More than I expected to be honest- and we're not even recommend people use VB5 on live sites yet. VB5 is going to be a virtual clean slate from add-on and modification perspective- old code won't work. New customers, new to VB, are going to with modification questions. As they become more familiar with vBulletin and the code of VB5 stabilizes I think we'll see both increased traffic and questions here on
The vast majority of VB3 forums and a lot of VB4 forums are "mature" forums these days. Their Admins have them setup and working as they like them- they don't go looking for new modifications or changes like they used to. When I started my 3.x forum I'd come here and go through all the mods, get ideas, make additions, etc... But after several years I like where I am and I still love this site but I'm just not looking for new mods anymore.
My 2 cents.