The problem is people are losing faith in vBulletin even more than ever. People are worried if vBulletin 5 will be released unfinished and rushed just like vB4. Im really crossing my fingers that they complete the stylevars 100% when it goes gold because if they don't, it will be exactly like last time where us designers had to rework so much of our skins with every update. The first year of vB4 for a absolute nightmare, the amount of changes they did to the stylevars system was crazy.
vBulletin 4 has not even had a update since May, thats a long time for no updates for software that has many many bugs, I asked about it today on the forum and was told that they are waiting for the mobile coding to be completed which sounds all good until you research their forum and find out they been saying the same thing for the past 4 months :/