Guys, what you have to understand is that vb5 is a live beta, it's constantly evloving as those brave enough to use it in production report bugs, wants or wishes, vb5 was always touted as more a social software akin to facebook or other social networking sites.
Those that buy teh vb5 license get vb4 and can use that in production while beta testing vb5, it's a long way off being ready for use in the real world, so if everyone took that on board then great!, we're helping shape the product for our future. On the other hand it looks like another IB shot in the foot asking folk to pay to beta test and report bugs. It depends on how you see it, i for one wouldn't buy a product that isn't fit for it's intended purpose.
I think vb3 (i'm biased of course

) is the best in the series and still has loads of scope, developing facelifts and functionality for vb3 should have been the way to go - lets face it, you can pretty much code anything to look like something else, the money would have still rolled in as it's a sound stable product with great flexibility.
Check it out for yourselves, there's lots of vb4 licences for sale on the net but not one vb3!