I totally agree with you. I come here regularly to check what is up and sometimes to get some needed information. It makes me a bit sad that there is less and less threads, especially the useful ones with some new ideas or the code extending vbulletin functionality. Not to mention there are almost no new mayor modifications especially for vB 3.8. There is so much things that could be still done but yet this place reminds more and more a dead desert.
I think the part of fault is by vbulletin themselves, they make the future of this great software uncertain. Many users switch to other solutions with better support, more bright future views more social networking options or free/cheaper solutions. I don't blame them but it's sad because I think vbulletin especially 3.5-3.8 series are the best forum software you may get there. So why the hell it's dying. I too invested a lot in it, since last 4 years I've been playing with it day after day, developing my idea (still not ready, but I'm very close to finish) which after careful research I based on vbulletin. Why? Because vbulletin was best, most extensible, most reliable, most scalable software out there. Unfortunately, I'm not very good coder and I can't code everything myself. I believe they could still reactivate it if they wanted. It just a matter of hiring a few talented coders, going back to what was almost perfect, rewriting what is necessary and extending the whole thing. Just my thoughts...